I still encounter a degree of confusion about one of the key mental models
that gets in the way of lean thinking. Making products in batches and
accumulating a full load before dispatching a truck are fundamental to
mass production thinking. It also intuitively fits with our distant memory
of harvesting crops and storing them to last through the winter. But you
can find it everywhere, from seeing and treating patients in batches to
flying as many passengers as possible in ever larger aircraft.
We have through the years seen regular accusations that smaller
deliveries just-in-time make producers more vulnerable to disruptions in
supply. We have also seen the assertion that little and often is worse for
the environment, with many half-empty smaller trucks replacing fewer
fully-loaded larger trucks. Unfortunately life is not as simple as this and to
really understand what is going on you need to look at real facts in real
situations, not at simulation models. It is also necessary to shift our focus
beyond our own activities in order to look at the supply chain as a whole.
One flaw in this argument is the experience that focusing on asset
utilisation and keeping equipment as busy as possible does not actually
achieve the desired result! Otherwise why would we typically find
equipment in a mass production system only producing good products
30% of the time? And why is it that by focusing on improving capability,
availability and flexibility lean producers can regularly increase this to
85% and above?
Exactly the same applies to truck utilisation. A few years ago, when
supermarkets waited for suppliers to deliver full truck loads to them, truck
utilisation was no more than 50%. Now that most supermarkets are
picking up products from their suppliers more frequently, truck utilisation
is also much higher.
There is a common myth that congestion in Toyota City is because they
send lots of little trucks to their suppliers to pick up parts very frequently.
In fact Toyota works with fewer direct suppliers, each of whom supplies
five times more part numbers than western suppliers. It sends the largest
trucks allowed on Japanese roads on regular milk rounds to these
suppliers, arriving back at the assembly plant completely full. The
congestion comes from trying to produce so many cars in one town.
Indeed the congestion would be much worse if truck utilisation was as
poor as in most mass production systems.
This kind of thinking also overlooks the costs incurred elsewhere in the
supply chain from making and shipping in big batches. It is often associated with a belief that demand is chaotic and unpredictable, rather
than self-inflicted volatility from the way our planning systems work.
Forecast driven batch production inevitably leads to continuous short term
plan changes to respond to spikes and shortages despite warehouses full
of stock and to overtime and expedited shipments. The costs of all this is
in someone else’s budget or in overheads, but they are not in the plan.
This is however the tip of the iceberg, when you factor in lost sales,
discounted or obsolete stock, rework, inspection and the extra capacity
and stocks to meet demand spikes and supply failures. The ideal supply
chain is one in which lead times are as short as possible, production is
driven by actual demand and production is capable of making every
product as frequently as possible in line with demand.
But how can you justify more frequent deliveries from your suppliers?
Probably only when you learn how to level your production and make
every product frequently. Then you will begin to see the savings through
your supply chain. It might then make sense to cooperate with other firms
to pull products from your suppliers on more frequent and predictable
shared deliveries.
On the other hand as on-line shopping grows regular deliveries to homes
will replace the most environmentally damaging trip of all – consumers
driving to pick up products from the store.
Lean thinking is not about zero inventories or the smallest trucks. It is
about developing a common steady rhythm across the supply chain in line
with demand, guarded from supply disruptions and real fluctuations in
demand by just the right amount of standard inventories, possibly held
off-line. Little and often is right thinking despite being counterintuitive.
Yours sincerely
Professor Daniel T Jones
Professor Daniel T Jones