We have just posted the final two video talks from our last Lean Summit on our YouTube Channel, featuring two lean missionaries who are making a big contribution to the lean movement.
Mike Rother gave a stunning presentation on his latest research into the Kata discipline of learning and acting. This brings his book Toyota Kata to life and show how important it is to coach and practice Kata. For those who want to go deeper there is more on the Improvement and Coaching Kata site on the LEI web site.
Michael Ballé gave a challenging and inspiring presentation on coaching leaders and employees on the Gemba. This talk distilled his thinking and practice in coaching organisations in France and elsewhere and developed themes from his books The Gold Mine and The Lean Manager. Many of you will also be familiar with his Gemba Coach column on the LEI web site and his contributions to The Lean Edge.
We hope you enjoyed these videos from our Lean Summit and hope to see you at our next Summit on 5-7 November 2013 – details to follow shortly.
Yours sincerely
Daniel T Jones
Chairman, Lean Enterprise Academy