“Learning to See” was the right title for the workbook that introduced the
world to value stream mapping. For the first time it taught the world a
way to see how to turn a set of separately managed activities into a lean
process, through which work could flow with the least possible
interruptions. It opened people’s eyes to literally hundreds of
opportunities for improvement. As a result the world is full of current state
maps and lean activities.
But walking round many organisations doing lean it is still rare to see
evidence of well structured procedures to focus people on doing the right
things. Often you are taken to see a wall with charts tracking progress
over recent months. If that is all you see you know that this is not driving
activities on the shop floor and is there simply to impress visiting
dignitaries from HQ or outsiders. If you can’t see what needs to be done
day by day or hour by hour then neither can employees.
So to be able to do the right things we need to develop ways in which
people can learn not just to see what is happening but also to learn to see
what needs to be done. The way to do this is to make everything as visual
as possible. Here is my list of the things I would like to be able to see
walking round a good lean operation.
I would like to be able to see the pattern of demand for key products or
services at the point of use or at the point of sale and to compare this
with the pattern of incoming orders received and with the production and
shipping instructions issued to the shop floor. This will show everyone the
gap between real demand and the volatility created by the way orders are
passed on to the plant. It will also show whether the planning systems are
levelling orders or creating even more variability in the work to be done.
This focuses attention on speeding up the information flow, beginning to
align production capabilities with the rate and pattern of demand and on
creating the stability essential for continuous improvement.
Then I want to be able to see the work to be done at every point in the
process. Clearing the decks with a good 5S programme is a good start,
provided it is audited frequently. But more important is to see the
documentation of standard work at every operation, standard
maintenance schedules on each piece of equipment and standard material
replenishment rules for all supplies, as well as clear evidence that they are
being followed by everyone.
Next is good visual management of planned and actual progress at
frequent intervals during the shift using some form of progress control
charts (or Andon boards). These should where possible be filled in by the
team leader and not hidden on a computer. And there should be clear
evidence that team leaders and supervisors respond quickly to any
slippage, to get back on track as soon as possible. At the side of these
charts I would expect to see a record of every problem that occurred
during the shift, together with evidence that these were being tracked and
resolved using a common problem solving process.
Absolutely essential is a current and future state map of the value stream.
This needs to be tied to an action plan which shows the steps being taken
to get to the future state, together with an implementation plan that is
regularly audited by management. This might be accompanied by a map
of the whole end-to-end value stream showing current performance and
progress towards improvement targets in every organisation across this
value stream. Modern communications should make it possible to update
this information very frequently.
Finally I look for a clear statement of the high level objectives of the
organisation and a deployment mechanism to make sure every
improvement action is aligned and supports the desired direction.
Making everything visual is not always easy. Some senior managers are
used to hiding much of this information because knowledge is power.
Others see it as undermining the authority of the senior manager or
expert who is expected to know all the answers. Good lean management
recognises that making progress and problems visible is the most
powerful way of engaging every employee in improving the performance
of the organisation.
Yours sincerely
Professor Daniel T Jones
Professor Daniel T Jones
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