The other day I began a speech to a leading supplier of medical devices by
congratulating them on the absolutely level demand for their products
from existing users and on the steady growth in the number of users. The
audience laughed when I asked whether this meant they could plan ahead
and never needed to change their plans at the last moment! Like most
companies they change their plans every day, and sometimes several
times a day.
They nodded in agreement that they and not their customers are
responsible for the chaos these short term plan changes cause throughout
their extended production and distribution system. The good news is that
they ought to be able to do something about it themselves. The bad news
is that if their customers knew how much extra cost this chaos causes
they would be very unwilling to pay for it! The truth is that they, and
many others, are still struggling to understand and deal with the
underlying causes of the chaos they are dealing with. It is in fact an
obstacle to their taking action to go lean.
The chaos actually begins at the customer interface. In this case the
product is part of a diagnosis and monitoring process to manage a medical
chronic condition. Mapping the consumption process to obtain repeat
supplies will reveal opportunities for saving wasted time for the patient
and for the doctor.
Mapping the way the product is ordered and delivered will reveal further
opportunities for cost savings and for improving the prospect of your
product being chosen rather than those of your competitors. Frequent
replenishment will reduce inventories and improve availability while at the
same time smoothing order signals. This analysis is too important be
delegated to a distributor or wholesaler.
This chaos is then passed up the value stream towards production. In this
case it takes over 200 days to reach the doctor through several decision
points. Why? I am always struck by how little production people know
about what happens down the distribution chain. They do not know how
long the chain is, what happens closer to customers and how well the
overall system fulfils customer demand. The shocking thing is that it is
always longer than you imagine and levels of fulfilment from the
customer’s perspective are surprisingly
low, despite all the inventories in
between. This is a sure sign that no one is responsible for redesigning the
end-to-end value stream.
But the real culprit that is causing most of the chaos in production is the
fact that our planning systems are driven by batch logic (based on
economic order quantities) which depends on perfect information. We also
believe we must plan every event for every product in the same way.
Every time things go wrong we make a new plan and when this does not
work we change it again and again. As a result fire-fighting is endemic
and production efficiencies are significantly degraded.
A way out of this dilemma is to recognise the damage being done by this
batch logic and to learn to see that you can in fact quickly create stability
and flow for the few high volume products which account for much of your
output. These need to be managed separately from the tail of build-to-order products with low volume and unpredictable demand.
Begin by creating a replenishment pull for these high volume products,
absorbing demand variation in a finished goods buffer stock and initially
producing them on a fixed volume, fixed sequence cycle. This creates the
stability necessary to start down the lean virtuous circle of standard work
and continuous improvement. It also allows much faster progress in
improving equipment availability, shorter changeover times and
integrating production steps into a continuous flow. Over time speed up
the cycle, reduce batch sizes and incorporate more products into this flow,
and as your capabilities improve vary the volume and the sequence to
more closely mirror daily demand.
This path very quickly leads to increased output, near perfect on-time
deliveries, much higher employee involvement in continuous improvement
and it can be replicated up and down the value stream. You are no longer
producing to forecast and no longer need so many planners to rejig the
schedule for most of your production. And you will discover that true
responsiveness comes from establishing stability and increasing the
rhythm throughout the value stream, not from changing plans all the
time. Chaos is not inevitable and can be conquered.
We have seen this work in so many different environments where you
have a complex mix of products with variable work content or production
volumes; from separating different types of service jobs in a car service
shop to dealing with different types of insurance claims to separating
simple routine from infrequent and difficult operations through hospital
theatres. Ian Glenday has now written a workbook to enable everyone to
try out this method, called
Breaking Through to Flow
. This is our first LEA
publication and I am confident it will help many of you take the next leap
on your lean journey.
Yours sincerely
Professor Daniel T Jones
Professor Daniel T Jones
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