I often tell audiences that I collect questions, particularly ones I have to go away and
think about. I also tell them I judge the quality of the audience by the quality of the
questions they ask! Their questions are invaluable in studying a field where the
practice of the pioneers is way ahead of the theory of the teachers.
Over the last month I visited seven large organisations doing very different things
across Europe, all actively involved in lean. What struck me was how similar their
underlying questions are. In many cases the answers lie in a deeper understanding of
Toyota’s management practices, but in others it is up to us to explore where lean
thinking principles can lead us. How many of these eight questions resonate with your experience?
1. How to convince top management that “good processes lead to good results’? That the most effective way of closing the critical performance gaps facing an organisation is by addressing the root causes of the broken processes or value streams responsible for delivering them. By building a robust business case to show how compressing the time through these value streams translates directly into better customer fulfillment, higher margins, freed up resources and cash, lower unit costs, less capital expenditure and new business opportunities.
2. How to improve the effectiveness of complex projects while at the same time increasing the productivity of scarce engineering and management resources? From Toyota’s experience we learn that daily visual management of the progress of a project, maybe coordinated through an Oobeya room, enabling teams to respond quickly to any slippage as it happens is a more powerful driver than less frequent gate reviews or any computerised scheduling system. Visual management is as powerful in the executive office as it is in engineering or on the shop floor
3. How to develop a common way of thinking and solving problems across an
organisation? Toyota’s A3 reports lay the foundation for evidence based management
using the scientific method by providing a common language for prioritising, planning and problem solving at every level of the organisation. It is also the way managers
throughout their careers learn to think about problems in the right way, guided by
questions in a dialogue with their superiors.
4. How to engage knowledge workers to create responsive and efficient service
delivery organisations, in both the private and public sectors? This is about organising
the customer interface around a problem solving dialogue and developing the
capabilities of those who support them to respond quickly right-first-time to changing
needs. It is also opens up new possibilities for managing the customer life cycle and
integrating services to help customers solve their problems cost effectively.
5. How to work across departmental and organisational boundaries to free up cash,
reduce costs and improve supply chain responsiveness? Someone has to take
responsibility for surfacing the consequences of excessive lead times, demand amplification and optimising the pieces rather than the whole. This is the basis for
gaining agreement on doing the right things and for sharing the gains and losses
along the value stream. The knowledge gained is also invaluable in designing next
generation products and the much more compressed value stream to deliver them.
6. How to manage patient journeys to reduce length of stay so hospitals can treat
more patients safely with existing resources? This starts with a plan-for-every-patient
and the visual management of the flow of patients from admission to discharge in a
way that aligns the demand to get out with the demand to get into the hospital. This
needs top management focus and a value stream management team to gain
agreement from all parties, including support services, on the actions necessary to
enable this happen.
7. How can lean help to redesign healthcare systems and the supply chains that
support them? First by analysing alternative ways of organising patient journeys, co-management of ongoing conditions and care in the community without replicating the
problems encountered in managing traditional district general hospitals. Second by
dramatically compressing the lead times and costs in producing and delivering all the products and services through healthcare supply chains to the point of use.
8. How can our experience with lean help to design much more cost effective systems
for making new products and delivering new services in the future? Lean opens up
new ways of organising and managing the work of product development, supplier
coordination, production and ongoing customer support. The challenge is to
synchronise them in such a way that avoids the sometimes perverse consequences of
today’s planning and costing systems. Eliminating unnecessary time and cost opens
up new capabilities to work with customers using the web to solve their problems on a
continuing basis much more cost effectively.
Thinking about these questions led me to search for those who can best answer them,
not just from theory but from practice. I have invited them to share their answers and
discuss their experiences in talks and workshops at our next Lean Summit on 2-3
November 2010 in Kenilworth, near Birmingham in the UK. My hope is that this will
inspire all of us to follow their examples and show us the direction our lean journeys
should follow. We will post the full Summit programme shortly on our web site. I look
forward to seeing you there.
Yours sincerely
Professor Daniel T Jones
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